Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just 2 More Weeks! {So Lovely Photography - Me}

It seems like the longest wait ever! 4 weeks ago we met our gorgeous puppy and in just 14 days we will be bringing him home!! I visited him the other day and got to see him in the grass for the first time. All the puppies were so cute! I could have sat there all day watching them play and even sleep!
 Love this shot. It's like Romeo ( my puppy )  is whispering in Phoebe's ear saying "just keep up that puppy stair. They are suckers for the puppy eyes" ha ha! I totally am such a sucker!!!  
 Dad Rex checking up on him. So sweet! 
 Hide n Seek in the grass. 
 Found a leaf to chomp on. 
 Coming to check out the camera. Isn't he the cutes dang thing ever! 
 All 10 puppies digging in the the puppy milk. Yummo! 
Had a bit of a rough n tumble, then a nap. It's tough work being a cute puppy! he he!   

If it seems like I am slightly obsessed.... well that is because I AM! The excitement is overwhelming me and I can not help it! Maybe once I have him home with me I will settle down. But then again, maybe not! 

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